The Unapologetic Rebel

The Unapologetic Rebel

Your identity is at the core of who you are.  It serves as your foundation for personal development, establishes how you see the world, how you are seen and serves as your foundation and filters for processing everything around you.  Yet, somehow you find yourself struggling to figure out who you are, what you want and where you belong.  Somewhere along the way, you were convinced that other people get to decide who you get to be, that you aren’t allowed to want more than you’re given and that you only belong where they let you go.  Somehow you’ve forgotten, or worse yet, you never learned that YOU GET TO CHOOSE all these things, and countless more, in your relentless committment to creating a life you love to live.  I used to be right where you are until I stood up and said, NO.  NO!  And, in that moment, my life and business changed for the better in the most amazing ways.  And, yours can too.  If you’re ready, I’m here and excited to join you on your journey to authentic, confident, amazing YOU.

Speaker, Coach, Author

Speaker, Coach, Author

Image of keynote speaker, identity coach and author Don Mamone speaking at Lauren Golden's Free Mama Live in Kansas City, MO captured by Emily Mamone, The Mamones LLC

Keynote Speaker

You have a discerning audience and I have a compelling message.  That just sounds like a match made in heaven, doesn’t it?  But, how can you be sure?  We’ve all heard of, or worse yet personally experienced, a time when hopeful expectation gave way to utter disappointment.  The idea that you might just possibly hire a bland, boring, yawn-inducing Keynote Speaker is enough to plague your waking hours and rip you from a peaceful slumber in a cold sweat.  As a keynote speaker, I mastered the ability to own the biggest stages and connect with each member of even the largest audiences.  By sharing my story and message transparently and vulnerably, I create spaces where people feel seen and safe to open their minds and hearts to discover who they truly are and what they really want.  So, if you want to cross finding an epic keynote speaker off your to-do list and you want your attendees buzzing about the profound impact of their time at your event make the first move and I’ll take it from there.

Image of keynote speaker, identity coach and author Don Mamone coaching an event industry professional at the NACE National Experience Conference in Dallas, TX captured by Emily Mamone, The Mamones LLC

Identity Coach

The best athletes in the world all have something in common that significantly contributed to their success.  And, when I say the “best athletes”, I mean the Greatest of All Time legendary icons of their respective sports.  Let me be clear, no one thing is responsible for their rise to greatness; however, the fact that they each had an uncompromising standard for their coaches is notable to say the very least.  You are not as different from these GOATs as you may think.  You’re talented, dedicated, passionate and motivated, just like them.  But, I am willing to bet you identify with any or all of these too: insecure, intimidated, fragile, scared and unsure of yourself.  If that hit close to home and you’re feeling seen, wait ’til you get a load of this…you’re not alone.  I’ve found that these feelings are surprisingly common.  I’ve also learned that there’s a simpler, better, freer way to do it…and, by it, I mean live your life.  Today is the day and now is the time for you to find clarity, build confidence and embrace bold courageous action.  When you own your identity you’ll become the truest, best version of yourself.  Then, you’ll be able to accomplish the goals that you’ve only entertained briefly in your wildest imagination.  What are you waiting for?  Let’s get to work on unearthing who you are and unleash your unapologetic rebel.

Brand portrait of keynote speaker, identity coach and author Don Mamone captured by Christa Meola at Dream Studios in Los Angeles, CA


One of the most powerful ways I inspire, motivate and create a positive change in people is by sharing my story.  My journey of self acceptance was a challenging road of obstacles, barriers and what turned out to be wrong turns.  Along the way, I learned a great deal about who I truly am, what I’m capable of and how I get to show up in this wild world.  I also discovered quite a bit about identifying my allies as well as my adversaries and, spoiler alert, they were not always readily apparent nor who I thought they would have been.  I’ve shared my pieces of my narrative consistently from stages, and online but I’ve long had the dream of sharing it, along with the many things I’ve learned, in its entirety.  Naturally, that dream becomes a reality in 2024.  The team is assembled, the process is in place and my book is taking shape.  If you are even a fraction as excited as I am then you are pretty darn excited.  I hope that you will join me on the journey by trusting me with your email below.

Trusted By

Logo for British Telecom (BT) as a client of keynote speaker coach and author Don Mamone
Logo for TedX as a partner of keynote speaker coach and author Don Mamone for a 2024 TedX Talk
Logo for The Knot Wedding Wire (TKWW) WeddingPro Program as a partner of keynote speaker coach and author Don Mamone, Pro Educator
Logo for accenture as a client of keynote speaker coach and author Don Mamone
Logo for RW Baird as a client of keynote speaker coach and author Don Mamone
Meet Don

Meet Don

Don Mamone’s decade-long career in hospitality culminated with their role as the Director of Events at the prestigious Beverly Hilton. Determined to embrace their creativity and pursue the dream of entrepreneurship, Don and their wife Emily opened a photography studio The Mamones LLC and have exceeded the expectations of their loyal clients from Dallas to Destinations around the world for over fifteen years.

As a keynote speaker and identity coach Don teaches audiences and clients how to reach their maximum potential and impact by discovering and embracing their true identity. Having recently come out as non-binary, Don is a committed advocate for the LGBTQIA2S+ community and consults with companies and organizations dedicated to diversity, inclusivity and representation as well as creating safe spaces that support and encourage unapologetic authenticity.

When they are not traveling the world for creative projects and speeches, Don lives happily outside the gender binary in Dallas with their talented spouse Emily and their creative child Frankie.

Client Love

You are one of the most incredible people I know.

Thank you for your words. You have transformed my life

and anything I can ever do to support you in continuing to impact the world, I am here for it!!!

Truly love you,  Thank you for everything.

Brand Story

Brand Story

Everyone Has a Coming Out Story

This Is My Story…

I started sharing my personal journey and the profound impact unapologetic authenticity had on my life just a few short years ago and I noticed a pattern start to develop.  After I shared my story from stage, audience members would share their story with me.  Not just any story though, these stories are deeply personal elements of the journey they’ve been on or, sparked my honesty and vulnerability, the journey they are now fierecly committed to becuase they want that sweet sweet feeling of freedom, too.  It was then that I realized that Everyone Has a Coming Out Story.  There’s a moment in everyone’s life when they choose to break free of the fear, guilt, shame, doubt and judgment that has held their authentic self hostage. It’s the moment when fear becomes courage, shame becomes pride, doubt becomes certainty and the only judgment that matters is their own.

What’s your story?


Podcast cover artwork for keynote speaker identity coach and author Don Mamone's 2022 podcast about business, life and all things human co-hosted with Kaci Brown and Shannon Busse
Podcast cover artwork for keynote speaker identity coach and author Don Mamone's appearance on the Hustle and Gather podcast with Dana Kadwell and Courtney Hopper
Podcast cover artwork for keynote speaker identity coach and author Don Mamone's appearance on the TALK with Renee Dalo podcast
Logo for accenture as a client of keynote speaker coach and author Don Mamone

Audience Love

Don’s ability to connect with their audience is impressive to say the least. They are a true inspiration & bring so much positivity into the world.  10/10!

Keep In Touch

There are a good many things that get to be done by yourself; cozy up with a good book, jot down your thoughts in a favorite journal or go for a therapeutic run, if you’re into that kind of thing.  Nearly everything else, with maybe a few other exceptions, are infinitely better when done with the love, support and encouragement of others.  If you share your email, and trust, with me I’ll love support and encourage you by doing, and not doing, the following things…never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down(Humor is my love language and sarcasm is my font)

Keep In Touch

I hereby solemnly swear to regularly share valuable insights & information with you, include you in special offers, exciting opportunities & exclusive content.  Conversely, I promise to never disrespect you, or your inbox, by sending you an overwhelming number of emails or share your email address with anyone else.

On The Blog

On The Blog